Correct Your Eyesight Naturally!
Discover the Naturally Clear Vision Method

Naturally Clear Vision For Life is an online holistic vision improvement program that gets you started on the path to never needing glasses again, or avoiding them for the rest of your life!

Have FREEDOM from glasses and contacts forever by:
  • Using your eyes according to the anatomy for effortless vision
  • Reducing your light sensitivity so you eyes can properly focus
  • Relaxing eyes, body and mind to see clearly without glasses
  • Improving your brains ability to interpret what you see correctly
  • Letting go of muscle tension so your eyes can function optimally
  • ​Releasing the emotions that created your blurry vision
  • ​Getting clear on your life vision that guides your daily actions
  • ​Practicing simple, yet powerful protocols
  • ​Ditching your diopters with inexpensive weaker glasses (if needed)

See clearly without glasses or surgery!

Imagine the freedom and empowerment of not needing crutches to read, drive, play sports, travel, work, enjoy your hobbies and play

The Naturally Clear Vision Method guides you step-by-step through the five stages of vision improvement. They include the emotional release of trauma, the physical release of excessive muscle tension and the mental strains of multi-tasking, overwhelm, anxiety and worry

Natural Vision Correction Expert
Claudia Muehlenweg
Hello there!
I am Claudia Muehlenweg, natural eyesight improvement expert and lifelong vision researcher. With a BA degree in communication design and a career in art direction good vision and perfect color perception were always crucial to my life.

I am the founder of Holistic Vision and the Naturally Clear Vision Method and have been teaching teaching students from all continents through online courses, memberships, private coaching programs and many free classes such as webinars, 5 Day Better Eyesight Experiences and workshops.

But it wasn’t always like that.

I got my first pair of glasses at age 3 for strabismus and hyperopia. I started my vision improvement journey at age 15 with a book about natural eyesight improvement, and was super excited that I was able to stop wearing them shortly thereafter.

I had observed that my vision varied a lot. It got much worse when I was stressed. I noticed this during the tremendously stressful time of my high school exams.

The last thing I wanted was to be back in glasses — I had been teased and bullied in from the moment I started school. Was called "four-eyes" and worse. I had missed out for so long on the fun other teenagers had. So when I was able to stop wearing glasses altogether in high school I was so relieved.

It became super clear to me that I never wanted to ever wear glasses again. Ever. My confidence was slowly growing. I finally felt a little bit prettier.

I was determined to do whatever it takes to keep my vision stable and not go back to glasses which was what everyone recommended.

That book taught me some basic vision relaxation exercises and I noticed immediate improvements after doing them but it didn't last. Every time I was stressed, worried, anxious or after reading and studying for hours my vision was blurry again.

But I was lucky.

I didn't go to the eye doctor to get new glasses. I got accepted into a prestigious art school after scraping by in high school. I realized that when I was happy, relaxed and excited about the future, my eyesight was clear. But when I was stressed, depressed, worried it was worse. 

Eventually though I ended up in glasses again during a very stressful and emotionally draining marriage and following divorce, leaving me as single mom of two young daughters. I was diagnosed with presbyopia (old age sight) and astigmatism. My outlook on life was without joy, and my stress levels through the roof.

Then one night I had an intense experience: When I arrived home after a particularly depressing party where I felt disconnected from the others, and I took my glasses off….my vision was so blurry that I couldn't see a thing.

I freaked out...

... and I knew I had to do something.

This time it wasn't vanity, it was the fear of losing my eyesight and not being able to be there for my young children, having the freedom to play full out....

My yoga teacher had just finished her natural vision teacher training and was offering low cost lessons to practice her skills. I signed up on the spot!

That changed everything for me. While it took me a few months to be able to drive without glasses, I was so happy! 

I realized that I didn't want to work in advertising for the rest of my life. I signed up for a year long training of the Bates Method of Natural Vision Improvement at the College of Vision Education in London. That training got me out of the readers I still occasionally used.

I haven't worn glasses since and my vision is better than ever at age 60.

So... back to you:
How important is your vision to you?
What would change when you had better eyesight ?

Let me be your guide to naturally clear vision, so you can have the FREEDOM of perfect eyesight too!

Yes Claudia! I'm ready to invest in my vision, and upgrade to weekly live coaching & all bonuses below
I understand that I'm getting access to an offer worth over $12,000 that will
not be available in this form again. 
  • Immediate Access to Naturally Clear Vision For Life Program with 5 bite-sized video modules ($2,247 value)
  • Lifetime access to the Naturally Clear Vision program & the private support group to ask questions, get feedback and support to continue to improve, save and protect my eyesight ($1997 value)
  • Bonus #1: ONE YEAR Access to monthly Get Clarity Coaching Calls to get live support ($3,000 value = priceless)
  • Bonus #2: 10 Guided Audio Meditations for eye rest ($197 value)
  • Bonus #3: Cheat sheets, hand outs, vision trackers, printable vision training tools & eye charts ($300 value)
  • Bonus #4: ONE YEAR access to the Roll & Relax myofascial release video library with over 80+ follow along classes ($997 value)
  • Bonus #5: ONE YEAR access to LIVE Roll & Relax myofascial release classes with Q&A ($100 value > priceless) 
  • Bonus #6: Curated expert guest speaker presentations to help you see better through diet, detox, posture, emotions, life vision, ayurveda and more ($1,000 value)
  • Bonus #7: Correct Computer Eye Strain Course with specific screen tips, tools and techniques ($197 value)
  • Bonus #8: 2x Tickets to the Naturally Clear Vision 3-Day LIVE Virtual Immersion ($997 value)
Yes Claudia! 
I'm ready to improve my eyesight naturally to see clearly without glasses, contacts or surgery.

Click button above and select $2,247 (3 payments of $749) or to save $250 with full pay of $1,997

100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

I understand that I have 10 weeks to try out the program, and if what Claudia advised doesn’t work, I’ll get a refund for the full investment. This guarantee means I get access to the entire online course including all videos, audios and written documents, can attend the group coaching calls, and ask my questions in the support group. To qualify for a refund, I have to show that I have done the program, practiced daily, asked for advice and did not see any results in my vision. The 10 weeks start with date of purchase.
Here’s What My Clients Are Saying about NCV:
Yes Claudia! 
I'm ready to improve my eyesight naturally to see clearly without glasses, contacts or surgery.

Click button above and select $2,247 (3 payments of $749) or to save $250 with full pay of $1,997

Eriko Mori

When I initially started my sessions with Claudia I was having horrible insomnia (getting only 2-3 hours of sleep every night) and I was pleasantly surprised that the exercises to improve my vision had the added benefit of improving sleep (I now get 5-6 hours).
I began to realize that the course is about changing my mindset about life in general so that I can relax or at least learn not to be so reactive to stress. It's still a work in progress for me, but in the meantime, I achieved 20/20! I was at 20/50 in the right eye and 20/30 in the left when I started three months ago, so I'm very satisfied.

This means that not only do I never have to use glasses for driving, reading, any more, there are additional benefits in work. When I have to display two documents side by side on my screen, I can actually reduce the size of the documents to 80% or even 70% (the best I could do before was 100%) to fit them both on the screen and still see them without any problem.

Another benefit is that I no longer have to use eye drops for dry eyes. My eyes used to be so dry that I really couldn't go anywhere without them and used them close to 10 times a day. The course has liberated me from the eye drops in just a couple of weeks after starting. Considering how expensive those drops are, it's a huge benefit!

Frances L.

I always hated going to the eye doctor as the news was never good and I can't stand glasses. Claudia made assessing my vision fun. She simplified things and is a very good teacher. I had no idea that tension could be held in my eyes and that relaxing them was key to better vision.

My glasses were about -2.75 as I had an eye doctor who had reduced them from -4.25. I have been practicing doing some things without glasses but the eye activities I learned with Claudia made me realize how much more relaxed I felt without my glasses. When she first tested me my vision was 20/90 and 20/60 in my eyes. By the end, it was 20/40 in both eyes.

I also had very dry eyes in the morning and doing the long swing helped my eyes to relax more in sleep. Who sleeps stressed? Me. I kept my journal and wrote about my palming, color of the day, movement exercises. It felt both vulnerable and good to give up most of my usage of glasses as I realized my eyes were straining more with glasses.

Petra Bouwer

My participation in the program Naturally Clear Vision by Claudia Muehlenweg is (one) of the best investments I have made so far in my life! It gives me a whole different point of 'view' on how I used to 'look'. And it has taken me into a different world. One of big relaxation, the key to The Land of Clarity. 

As I dig deeper in the world of holistic vision together with Claudia my perception of the world gets clearer every day. Very grateful for that and I enjoy life at the fullest again!
Frequently Asked Questions:
  • ​Will Naturally Clear Vision show me how to reduce the strength of my glasses?
    Absolutely, when you join the course you will know exactly what those numbers on your prescription mean and how to safely reduce them. You will be able to order inexpensive reduced glasses online without the need to see an eye doctor.
  • How fast can I expect improvements?
    That really depends on your current vision and your willingness to use reduced strength glasses as well as your commitment to your vision improvement journey. It’s less about hours of eye exercises and more about becoming more aware of your vision so you can change your habits. On average participants are less dependent on glasses after the program and many are able to go completely without them for all or the majority of their daily tasks. And those who still wear glasses are all in inexpensive, single distance glasses.
  • ​Does Naturally Clear Vision replace my eye doctor? 
    Definitely not! It’s absolutely important that you see an eye doctor regularly to make sure your eyes are healthy. It’s the best way to catch an eye disease or other diseases such as diabetes early so you have a great chance to reverse them.
  • How long do I have access to the course?
    You have lifetime access to the course itself and the Facebook support group as well as the community inside the course, so you can review the trainings as often as you like and continue to ask questions in the community. The weekly live coaching calls end after the ten weeks  
  • ​I am really busy for the next three months, can I still do the program and see results?
    YIf you can find 15-20 mins per day, you can 100% participate and see better by summer. If you are in the worst stressful period of your life, however, I recommend that you join my Naturally Clear Vision For Life program where you can go at your own pace. It includes a year of monthly coaching calls. You can find out more here.
  • When are you running the 10-week program again?
    This program is only available in this format once a year at this point.
  • ​I am not wearing glasses yet (or just weak readers), is this a good program to take?
    Prevention is way better than trying to reverse decades of wearing strong glasses. What you learn in Naturally Clear Vision will keep your eyesight in pristine shape for decades to come, or get you out of those “cheaters” that lead to rapid vision decline in just three months. Plus, with lifetime access to the course, you can come back if you ever have future vision problems or want to help a family member.
  • ​I have been diagnosed with [insert eye disease or other complex health condition]. Does Naturally Clear Vision help?
    Yes! Because Naturally Clear Vision is designed around the five keys of perfect vision as well as eye anatomy, neuroscience and central nervous system regulation into a relaxed state of eyes, body and mind, it will help with any condition. Clients have improved their sleep, their energy, their outlook on life, their relationships with themselves and others, and more. Naturally Clear Vision goes well beyond “just” eyesight improvement. I am confident that the program will help you but I can never make any guarantees when even your doctor can’t.
  • ​What is the timeline of the Naturally Clear Vision 2023 course?
    The program starts with our Welcome Call on Thursday, March 16 and ends with our final Success Shares & Next Steps Call on Thursday, May 25.
  • What is the timing of the live calls?
    The weekly coaching calls with Claudia are Thursdays at 11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern and are 90 minutes long. The three “Inner Game” Mindset calls with intuitive coach Trisha Kirby are on the following Saturdays at 11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern: April 8, April 29 and May 13. The three live “Roll & Relax” myofascial release classes are scheduled on the following Fridays at 8 am Pacific / 11 am Eastern: March 17, April 21, May 19.
  • I am not able to attend the live coaching calls, does it make sense to join?
    Absolutely! We record all the calls and you’ll get lifetime access to the recordings. You can also submit questions via a form and we will answer your questions during the next call which you can review in the replay section.
  • ​Can I share this program with other family members?
    Of course! I love it when my students become Naturally Clear Vision ambassadors! However, only one designated person per purchase can join the live coaching calls and the Facebook support group. To put it simply, what Naturally Clear Vision CAN do for you is educate and empower YOU to have a deep understanding and appreciation of your vision and to equip you with tools to turn things around toward measurable improvements in your vision.
  • ​Does this program work for children?
    No, this program is developed for adults. However, if you are a parent or grandparent, you can easily teach the little ones the techniques by turning them into fun games! We always emphasize that the caregiver needs to be in charge of helping the child by first improving their own vision.
  • Are there payment plan options?
    Yes, we offer a 3x pay and a 6x pay option with convenient monthly payments.
  • ​I am financially very limited, do you offer discounts for those on disability, seniors, veterans, students?
    Please reach out to [email protected] to see if you qualify for a scholarship discount. We also have a lower investment quick start program called 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience that’s a great way to see results.
  • ​I am not sure I am ready to commit to Naturally Clear Vision, is there something shorter to start with?
    Yes, I have a three week course called 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience. Think of it as level 1 of Naturally Clear Vision which is relaxation of eyes, body and mind. 21 Days To Better Eyesight Experience gives you a customizable Clear Morning Ritual. It does NOT include customized routines for different vision conditions or any guidance on measuring your eyesight or how to get weaker glasses. It’s a great way to get started and if you feel that is all you can do (versus doing nothing) then this is a great program and will help you see better in just three weeks. 
  • What is the refund policy?
    We have the best satisfaction policy in the industry: If you fully participate in the program and don’t see improvements by the end of the course (ten weeks), you will get your whole investment back!
Yes Claudia! 
I'm ready to improve my eyesight naturally to see clearly without glasses, contacts or surgery.

Click button above and select $2,247 (3 payments of $399) or to save $250 with full pay of $1,997

100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

I understand that I have the full 10 weeks to try out the program, and if what Claudia advised doesn’t work, I’ll get a refund for the full investment. This guarantee means I get access to the entire online course including all videos, audios and written documents, can attend the group coaching calls, and ask my questions in the support group. To qualify for a refund, I have to show that I have done the program, practiced daily, asked for advice and did not see any results in my vision. The 10 weeks start with date of purchase.
I went to my ophthalmologist for my two year not annual check. I asked him about keeping one's eyes young. He said, no way, that our eyes get old just like the rest of us. They stop being able to move, blah, blah.
I asked about neuroplasticity and he poo- poed it for the eyes. 

Then..... he examined my eyes and said, "You have the eyes of a 16-year-old."
Ha— I owe much of that to you!

Beth Rubenstein

As Claudia was teaching me different exercises I started to see more clearly and at a deeper level. She actually initiated a change in perspectives that led to upgrading my relationship to my eyes. Fascinating! 

I now find myself being a lot more mindful and protective about my eyes and also receptive to the needs of my entire body.
I am so grateful for this, all the support Claudia gave me and the patience she had working with me. 

Claudia Tan

Palming is a big surprise in my life. And my eyes love to look around after these refreshing rests. I have already thrown my glasses away (and I loved them)!

Reading, driving, watching TV... everything without glasses. I had no idea how extremely often I was staring at the monitor to concentrate without blinking. Now I do understand that blurry times during the day just means to stop being so tense.

Iris Schuster

Your instructor
Natural Vision Correction Expert Claudia Muehlenweg
Claudia Muehlenweg (moo-lan-weg), founder & CEO of Holistic Vision, always hated her glasses and has made it her mission to help others see clearly naturally… just like she has done. 

The Naturally Clear Vision Method is the result of her own 40 year vision journey and research combined with over a decade of  experience in teaching her students to improve their vision and ditch their glasses.

Claudia is a sought after international speaker and workshop leader. She focuses on finding the root cause of her clients’ blurry vision instead of using symptomatic treatments like glasses, contacts or surgery that can actually make their eyesight worse in the long term.
Medical Disclaimer: The information in this presentation is not intended to replace traditional vision care or regular check ups at an ophthalmologists office and is not medical advice. I understand that vision educators are not medical doctors. I am clear that I am not being diagnosed, prescribed for or treated medically for my vision or any other health condition. I understand that I can check my own vision to my satisfaction at any time. This presentation is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Claudia Muehlenweg,, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own vision care decisions based upon your research and in collaboration with a qualified eye health care professional.